Holdens all new Record setting VF Ute SSV Redline took on the Nurburgring. A supporting app was developed allowing anyone to take a spin around the track againts Holdens test driver Rob Trubiani. For sound we used the yet to be released serries II VF with its new 6.2lt engine and bi modal exhaust offering a little more pleasant tune for the experience.
Created all 3d components.
Assisted in art direction.
Assisted in mobile Development – optimisation.

OPTIMIZEDThe VF ute was modeled utitlising CAD data, this was a great help but still complete low poly optimized model was built and then used for projection mapping for bump and spec mapping. Total vertices count was kept at a minimal 5k for the ute. A subsequent ghost vehicle was produced, texture and materials where utilized to create the stylized effect.

12.9 MILESThe track is based on the popular track in Germany the Nurburghring, The complete track was modeled in four segments. This allowed for a roll out of the track as development progressed with an initial release, and later with all segments. The track was built in 3ds max, utilizing basic elevation data, satellite imagery and video reference from the shoot. Highly optimized for mobile devices.
Credits | agency: Visual Jazz | client : Holden | artist : Aron Tardini